Tuesday, February 28, 2006
nathanFriday, February 24, 2006
nathanmake new hammer friends: mc hammer on blogging

if you've encountered me at the gcb lately and i have you pegged as someone who knows computer stuff (in contrast to me), i've probably talked to you about the aggreblog idea. well just the other day technorati released a "favorites" feature, which when combined with the free services of a conveniently named site "rss-to-javascript.com," has enabled me to make something along the lines of what i had envisioned for this aggreblog. the result is now in this blog's sidebar toward the bottom. it is supposed to show a brief excerpt of blogs of people we know, in order of which post was most recently posted. unfortunately it does not work as it is supposed to. in fact, it seems that technorati greatly prefer's kevin's stockholm syndrome over any other blog. it completely ignores any other blog on the list when it posts.
c'mon technorati, get your shit together.
in a final note. i'm off to what will surely be the biggest party in danvers massachusetts tonight. my step-mother is hosting a party for her extended family. no tamil-tiger themed festivities, it'll be all hardcore north shore for me tonight.
oh! oh! look at this blog. it is MC HAMMER'S BLOG. he signs every post with "-hammertime"
"The engine and power of the movement is the blog. The blog will allow us to link hand in hand, one to another. Even those who are not Hammer Fans but appreciate blogging's empowerment are welcomed supporters. The blog is our commonality. My goal is to connect with Hammer Fans. Make new Hammer friends and meet with like minds. Those who believe in God, family and community. Through the blog I will eliminate sensationalism. You will have access to my many thoughts and truly get to know me without an intermediate."
-MC Hammer
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
He Hate MeTo Do List (Updated 2/21/06)

- Figure out how to win the house in the 2006 elections. (Done plus a new post on narrative strategy.)
- Perform my first on-campus stand-up act. (Done, next show this Friday)
- Clean the bathroom. (Done)
- Cathay Cathay. (Delicious)
- Drunken Karaoke.
- Take Pictures. (Done, proof below.)
Mike, should have some more coming soon. I have been careful to show discretion in my choice of pictures. I hope Mike will do the same.
Monday, February 20, 2006
- The Average Joe 2 finale did not, in fact, change my life.

- Brandon has taken to wearing a black ski mask with an orange NBC 10 headband (one of the set we won through our Providence Winter Olympics exploits the other night). I wish I had a picture of this masterful ensemble, which might be politely called a "mindfuck." It's one part suburban housewife, one part TV news reporter, one part Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, three parts Hamas, and a dash of Ulster Volunteer Force. Truly frightening.
- Can anyone out there in the blogosphere send Ellen advice about how to circumvent Chinese government firewalls and gain access to Blogger URLs? I can't rest easy thinking that state repression may actually be more powerful than the 'sphere.

- Brandon has taken to wearing a black ski mask with an orange NBC 10 headband (one of the set we won through our Providence Winter Olympics exploits the other night). I wish I had a picture of this masterful ensemble, which might be politely called a "mindfuck." It's one part suburban housewife, one part TV news reporter, one part Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, three parts Hamas, and a dash of Ulster Volunteer Force. Truly frightening.
- Can anyone out there in the blogosphere send Ellen advice about how to circumvent Chinese government firewalls and gain access to Blogger URLs? I can't rest easy thinking that state repression may actually be more powerful than the 'sphere.
Friday, February 17, 2006
nathanjust kidding!
in a surprising move, my much planned for oral surgery has been cancelled at the last minute (about 10 minutes before it was supposed to happen).
so while this delays my weekend of pain for another month or two, this throws a few other things into confusion.
i will be returning to providence this afternoon/evening when i had fully expected, up until a couple hours ago, to be deleriously grasping for prescription pain-killers.
so while this delays my weekend of pain for another month or two, this throws a few other things into confusion.
i will be returning to providence this afternoon/evening when i had fully expected, up until a couple hours ago, to be deleriously grasping for prescription pain-killers.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
nathana weekend without wisdom

recently i have gotten into the habit of making themed itunes playlists using the collective music libraries of this apartment. my most recent creation is "rivers, and how to traverse them (boats & bridges)" unfortunately for those interested in such a playlist, it is only available to the very select population of people connected to our specific network hub.
when tomorrow morning rolls around, spare a thought or a prayer for my lower jaw nerve.
Sunday, February 12, 2006
chThe Blizzard of 2/11/06.
As Hamas' recent electoral victory has taught us, the world can still produce exhilarating, destructive surprises. Last night, as Providence was gradually cloaked in white (a non-threatening, wintry counterpoint to the ebullience of Hamas green?), the Grouse played host to, among other things: the bhanghra-induced destruction of our neon Amstel Light sign; a furious dance-off featuring two of the blogosphere's most consequential tastemakers, sending this blogger, who had hitherto single-handedly sustained the dance floor, fleeing like an armless Grendel from the mead hall; two heartfelt renditions of "Since You've Been Gone"; and birthday-boy Nathan performing the "mashed potato" to Lightning Bolt.
Which is to say: fears regarding Trife's immanent demise are, for the moment at least, forestalled.
Which is to say: fears regarding Trife's immanent demise are, for the moment at least, forestalled.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
He Hate MeUpcoming Trife
5ishPM: Drunken Ice Skating (Downtown)
7PM: Brown Basketball vs. Columbia (Pizzitola)
After the Vomiting Stops: Cleaning Party
9PM: 24 and 40's (17 Thayer)
5ishPM: Drunken Ice Skating (Downtown)
How could trife not ensue?9PM: Brown Stand-Up Comics (Saloman 001)
Come see the act described as "really fucking dirty" by the members of Phi PsiSaturday
7PM: Brown Basketball vs. Columbia (Pizzitola)
My Hero:10ishPM: Party (17 Thayer)
"On Tuesday night Robbie the Bobby, Bury's mascot was sent off for the third time this season after arousing the ire of the referee by "mooning" at visiting Bristol City supporters and encroaching into the opposing manager's technical area...
In the past few months he has also mooned at Stoke City supporters and - in his attempts to prove he is the toughest mascot in the league - traded blows with Bartley the Bluebird of Cardiff City...
Other recent miscreants include Cyril the Swan, who was confined to the stands after invading the pitch - having previously thrown a pork pie on the playing area during a cup tie against West Ham.
Also to be found on the roll call of disgraced mascots are Wolfie, from Wolverhampton Wanderers and H'Angus from Hartlepool United.
Wolfie had a disagreement with three little pigs - even though they were not even linked with the club's opponents, Bristol City, but a local double-glazing firm. H'Angus's charge sheet includes cavorting with a blow-up doll during an away match at Blackpool and allegedly simulating sex behind a female steward at Scunthorpe.
Details to come...Sunday
After the Vomiting Stops: Cleaning Party
9PM: 24 and 40's (17 Thayer)
My first 40 since Super Bowl XL-HandsPlan accordingly.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
nathanSaturday, February 04, 2006
He Hate MeTo Do List
My "Must Do Before I Graduate" To Do List
- Pass All of My Classes.
- Write my Thesis (Masculinity, Power, and Televised Reality - due April 7).
- TA22 (Persuasive Communication) - Learn and apply rhetorical tricks other than "You're wrong but continue."
- EC137 (Race & Econ) - Learn from the sins of a Black conservative.
- PS182 (Parties and Interest Groups) - Don't piss off Schiller.
- MC230 (TV and Sex) - Steal ideas to use in my thesis (and futon).
- Set up Political War Room.
- Get a job at the DSCC, DCCC, SDCC, DSOC, DNC or anywhere in DC.
Figure out how to win the house in the 2006 elections.(DONE)- Play fantasy politics on The Dem IM.
- Have a fun and memorable Spring Break somewhere other than RI or OH. (Amsterdam? New Hampshire?)
Perform my first on-campus stand-up act.- Naked snow angels: Part IV.
- Get Chris Hu to fart (preferably on someone).
- Drink at the Ratty.
- Make peace with women.
- Be the best Black hockey/soccer intramural goalie in the history of Brown University.
- Take pictures.
- Starf*ck.
- Go in "The Cave" and be disappointed.
- 2 words: 40's & HBO-on-demand.
- Clean the bathroom.
- Get one last meal from each of the Thayer Street restaurants.
- Drunken karaoke.
- Streak an a capella concert.
- Cathay Cathay.
- The 'Kings' Rematch.
- Tell friends that I appreciate them.
- Drink or smoke with a cop or faculty member.
- See everyone at least once a week.
- Keep Woonie and my other housemates alive.
Thursday, February 02, 2006
are these related?
or: adaptation or death for old-timey communication systems
it seems we have a new breed of carrier pigeon that's keeping up with the times while the telegram is having it's worst year in a while.