Friday, December 16, 2005

He Hate Me

Hail University...

Official CNN Transcript
Wednesday, December 14
Paula Zahn Now

ZAHN: A shocking story about a teenager whose life suddenly came crashing down.

But, first, a chilling investigation into allegations of people profiting from stolen body parts.


ZAHN: Coming up next, we change our focus to a college campus absolutely stunned... After a class president is arrested and charged with robbing a bank.

And still ahead, a Florida neighborhood outraged. Should the government be allowed to bulldoze their homes to make room for new development?

Also, don't you hate those silly subscription cards that fall out of magazines every time you open them up? Well, we found a solution for that and for some of life's other little nuisances that could drive you nuts.


ZAHN: Beautiful cold night here in New York City tonight under a full moon.

But we turn our attention to the campus of Pennsylvania's Lehigh University tonight. It is still in a state of shock after the arrest of one of its most popular and promising students.

Police say a young man calmly walked into a bank last Friday and robbed it of nearly $3,000.

Our Adaora Udoji spent the day talking with people who knew him and found out that a crippling addiction may have led to a desperate criminal act.


ADORA UDOJI, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It looks like a mighty fall for Greg Hogan, a 19-year-old sophomore, who was so popular at Lehigh University, classmates voted him 2008 class president. He belonged to a well-liked fraternity, won the second cello seat in the orchestra.

But this son of a affluent Ohio Baptist minister also had a terrible secret his lawyer says led him down a very dark road.

(on-camera): Did he realize he had a big gambling problem?...

Police say Hogan walked into this bank not wearing a mask or covered in any way and handed the teller a note demanding money indicating he had a gun.

(voice over): His lawyer says there was no gun. Still Hogan got away with nearly $3,000. Hours later he was arrested at his fraternity house.

WALDRON: He's embarrassed. He is just saddened by what he's done to the folks at the bank, to his family, and he is trying to cope with it through counselors.

UDOJI: Students at the Lehigh campus thought at first it was a joke.

KATIE PAXSON, SENIOR, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY: I think everybody is just really shocked. Doesn't know what to make of it.

BOBBY OUILAN, SOPHOMORE, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY: It made you wonder who you voted for.

UDOJI: But other students told us lots of students play poker online. It's a favorite past time with easy access to the Internet...
This week, Hogan should have been taking finals with his classmates. Instead, he's confronting a gambling addiction and facing felony bank robbery charges.

Adaora Udoji, CNN, Allentown, Pennsylvania.


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