bees! (and squirell-dogs)

brandon's been alone in the blog-posting lately. i figured i'd give him some company.
last night i registered the domain; there won't be anything up there for a while but it's a pretty sweet name. i also have my computer back now for real this time (at least i hope). i installed a new hard drive and felt all high-tech about myself, but really all it took was a miniature screwdriver and one that was a little larger.
it's been almost a year since i left for scotland and, needless to say, the realization of the passage of time saddens me.
this is really an entry for the sake of an entry, to assert my presence here. maybe i'll think of something better to write later, because this certainly hasn't done the trick.
"Finnegan rides a puppy mosh pit of sorts."
here's something post worthy thanks to alice: a squirell that thinks it's a dog.

That is quite possible the cutest thing I've ever seen - even more so than the lemur and the dog.
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