beep BEEP beep BEEP beep (Completed)
Yesterday was, by far, the most exciting day of 2006 for me. The following takes place between 3:23PM and 11:23PM.
3:23:21 - The 6th seed (and Cleveland Browns archrival) Steelers are beating the 1st seed Colts 21-3 after 3 quarters. If you don't know what that means, just trust me that it's a really big deal and a really big shock. I'm talking to Eddie over IM:
Colo KUNTry kid: i was an asshole, got into a bar fight, got detained by the cops--officially i was not arrested
Colo KUNTry kid: only cause charges werent pressed against me
Sounds about right.
4:20:18 - Steelers 21, Colts 18. 1 minute, 33 seconds left. The Colts have one last shot to drive down the field and take the lead but turn the ball over on downs. If the Steelers just sit on the ball, they'll win the game. My mom begins dreading the inevitable phone call from my Steelers-loving Uncle to gloat.
4:24:13 - HOLY SHIT! Steelers running back Jerome Bettis fumbles the balls and the Colts return the ball to midfield. The Colts would've scored but the Steelers quarterback makes the game-saving tackle. Me and my dad argue whether the Colts guy could have scored if he cut back to the sideline.
4:32:27 - Former XFL MVP and Steelers backup quarterback Tommy Maddox consoles Bettis for blowing the season for the Steelers as the Colts get ready to attempt the game-tying field goal.
4:47:07 - I check my cell phone and I have three missed calls. Two from Nathan, one from Chris. I check my voicemail and recieve the following cryptic message:
4:47:36 - I call Nathan and he doesn't pick up. I call Hu and ask him for the news. He tells me that someone has broken into the house. "Is anyone dead?" I ask, he says no. I finally start breathing again. In fact, he and Lisa are going to go bowling with Mike later that week. I tell them to tell him I'm glad he's not dead.
5:13:27 - I go with the 'rents to the upscale grocery to get fish food for Woony. He's doing quite well in his new home and has been very playful and active. My parent's buy Newman's Own (named after Clevelander Paul Newman) organics dog food for Eddie. Frankly, I think that's a bit much.
6:28:47 - I have to leave the room while watching the other NFL playoff game because my mom has driven me completely nuts. You know how people say a "tie" in sports is like kissing your sister. Well, spending a week with my mom in the Bahamas is similar except replace 'sister' with 'mother' and 'kissing' and 'realizing why women are so fucking stupid and annoying and won't shut the hell up and constantly wanting to strangle.' We had a good time.
8:08:14 - 24: Season 5 is about to start. I start having trouble breathing again.
8:13:17 - President Palmer returns! Great, I missed him. This season's gonna be awesome.
8:13:27 - OH SHIT! They shot Palmer!
8:15:11 - Well at least Michelle and Tony are back.
8:15:49 - OH SHIT!
8:19:41 - As the show goes to commercial, I recieve a phone call:

Colo KUNTry kid: i was an asshole, got into a bar fight, got detained by the cops--officially i was not arrested
Colo KUNTry kid: only cause charges werent pressed against me
Sounds about right.
4:20:18 - Steelers 21, Colts 18. 1 minute, 33 seconds left. The Colts have one last shot to drive down the field and take the lead but turn the ball over on downs. If the Steelers just sit on the ball, they'll win the game. My mom begins dreading the inevitable phone call from my Steelers-loving Uncle to gloat.

4:32:27 - Former XFL MVP and Steelers backup quarterback Tommy Maddox consoles Bettis for blowing the season for the Steelers as the Colts get ready to attempt the game-tying field goal.
4:47:07 - I check my cell phone and I have three missed calls. Two from Nathan, one from Chris. I check my voicemail and recieve the following cryptic message:
FIRST MESSAGE, URGENT MESSAGE - Uh, hey, Brandon. It's Nathan. Uh, you should call me or Kartik. Uh, it's pretty important. Uh, so, yeah, as soon as you getAt this point, I realize that Mike is pretty seriously injured and just hope that he's not dead.
this, call. Bye.
4:47:36 - I call Nathan and he doesn't pick up. I call Hu and ask him for the news. He tells me that someone has broken into the house. "Is anyone dead?" I ask, he says no. I finally start breathing again. In fact, he and Lisa are going to go bowling with Mike later that week. I tell them to tell him I'm glad he's not dead.

5:13:27 - I go with the 'rents to the upscale grocery to get fish food for Woony. He's doing quite well in his new home and has been very playful and active. My parent's buy Newman's Own (named after Clevelander Paul Newman) organics dog food for Eddie. Frankly, I think that's a bit much.
6:28:47 - I have to leave the room while watching the other NFL playoff game because my mom has driven me completely nuts. You know how people say a "tie" in sports is like kissing your sister. Well, spending a week with my mom in the Bahamas is similar except replace 'sister' with 'mother' and 'kissing' and 'realizing why women are so fucking stupid and annoying and won't shut the hell up and constantly wanting to strangle.' We had a good time.

8:13:17 - President Palmer returns! Great, I missed him. This season's gonna be awesome.
8:13:27 - OH SHIT! They shot Palmer!
8:15:11 - Well at least Michelle and Tony are back.
8:15:49 - OH SHIT!
8:19:41 - As the show goes to commercial, I recieve a phone call:
Nathan: WHAT THE FUCK! HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE FUCK!I hear Annie screaming similar thoughts in the background.
Nathan: By the way, I'm drunk. We've been drinking awhile.10:34:27 - I recieve an e-mail telling me my Facebook wall has changed. I recieve the following IM from my favorite LaCrosse playing Republican:
Patrick Ryan wrote at 10:23pm January 15th, 200611:00:17 - The craziest Boondocks episode yet has me alternately laughing hysterically and doing some uncharacteristically deep thinking (from
The Following Message takes place between 10:21:17 p.m and 10:22:48 p.m. Dude Jack Bauer, hes so pimp its pissed President Palmer got rocked cus he was my fave, and your boy Tony doesnt look so hot but he'll pull through. Gunna be Siiick!!
"When Martin Luther King comes out of a coma after 32 years and finds himself thrust into the 21st and life in the post "September 11th" era, his "turn the other cheek" philosophy quickly takes him from beloved national hero to dispised terrorist sympathizer."If you missed it, it comes on again Saturday at 11 on Cartoon Network. Shit is crazy.
So does that mean* you are rooting* for the home** team***?
infact, mike just called to make me convince chris to eat pizza. per haps they were bowling aso.
we just inspected the hole room where the burgler might still ahve been lurking.
he is not there.
we brought various beating related weapons
we were in fact bowling at that time. karaoke planet bowling to be precise.
Nathan seems slightly inebriated in that comment... Should he really be chasing criminals in such a state?
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