get your act together michael smallberg!

well, things are quiet here on the east side and i'm getting a lot done. at least it feels like it. perception and reality often differ in this area.
while i've been here i've done various errands, today i went to buy a new pair of pants. two of my usual pair sprouted inconvenient holes within a week of each other. after finding an appropriate replacement at the store, i thought i might look at non-tshirt shirts (oh my!). there were some i might wear but most every shirt at this place cost $70 or more!
if a shirt costs $70 it damn well better come with a steak dinner and a rollercoaster ride.
this isn't the first time i've reached this conclusion.
sorry. i've been taking up Mr. Smallberg's time and wit, and after last night's horrible music (complete with corny puns regarding their awfulness) and incredible hot dogs (Top Dog beats Spike's hands down), he was left with no energy for humor. I'm sorry I've reduced you to this state, Michael.
Where did you go shopping? I'm trying to think of an establishment where someone so notorious for being cheap would conceivably purchase pants, but that would also have $70 shirts for sale.
there was a sale on jeans at filenes. admittedly, i didn't go there knowing there was a sale, but there usually is and i've resigned myself to paying $30 for pants. i used to go to marshalls but it turns out pants purchased at marshalls self-destruct with amazing speed.
$30 isn't that much for a pair of pants when you compare it to some of the crap shirts in there that were ridiculously expensive.
on the way out, i looked at prices at nordstroms: damn. now there's a waste of cash.
you, sir, need to find yourself a mervyn's. perhaps it is simply just punishment for your reluctance to go west of the mississippi.
it's a catch 22 i guess. traveling that far costs money.
All steak dinners should come with roller coaster rides. period. with or without pants.
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