"I'm Black and I'm Proud... sometimes..." OR "I'm gonna go find a white man and lie to him right now!"

Rep. Tubbs-Jones (OH-11-Cleveland area) on Colbert Report
On "The Colbert Report" (basically The Daily Show's version of the O'Reilly Factor) they did a piece on my beloved Cleveland and our congresswoman, the honorable Stephanie Tubbs-Jones. It's pretty fucking funny. Watch it here.

Mike Tyson and Bobby Brown singing "The Monster Mash"
No words are needed. Just right-click on the picture, download to disk and watch.
The Ugly
See the top picture on the post below.
the good the bad and the ugly is one of my favorite movies.
so i guess you're implying that your representative is clint eastwood/blondie/joe/man with no name/manco who you have also compared with me. does this mean i am now, symbolically at least, your congressional representative?
My rep is Duncan Hunter, who is a lot like that crazy Union officer near the end of the movie. What does that mean?
i think the crazy union officer you're talking about is van cleef's character, "angel eyes".
he's pretty sadistic in the good the bad and the ugly but in for a few dollars more, he's a very sympathetic character: his sister was raped by a drugged out crook.
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