Tomorrow We're All Undefeated Again

Many of the useful life lessons I use everyday come from this great institution.
- "It's all about the yards after the catch."
- "You play to win the game."
- "On any given Sunday, any team is capable of defeating any other team... THAT'S why they play the game."

- "Football incorporates the two worst elements of American society: violence punctuated by committee meetings."
That said, those of you who are still with me, let me get to the actual subject of this post. During the Super Bowl, the NFL plays this great commercial with all of the players from teams that fell short of the Super Bowl singing "Tomorrow, Tommorrow, It's Only A Day Away" from "Annie." The commercial ends with text on the screen with the simple message:
"Tomorrow We're All Undefeated Again"
Doesn't that just give you chills? I guess I should stop pretending that I'm writing toward an audience that actaully appreciates my rambling about the NFL and get to my point.

Wednesday was November 2nd. Exactly one year since Election Day 2004. At this time last year, I was completely inconsolable and barely able to function. It really did feel like a close friend or family member had died. The Republicans increased their lead across the country and there was even talk of a "permanent Republican majority." It seemed as if there was no way we could ever win.
Oh, how things have changed:

- The president's DISAPPROVAL rating is 60% (47% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE)
- Iraq war OPPOSITION rating is 60% (67% DISAPPROVE of Bush's handling of war)
- Bush MISLED PUBLIC in case for war: 55%
- War on Terror: NOT SATISFIED rating is 47%
- Economy in BAD shape: 65%
- Country on WRONG TRACK: 68%
- Bush Honesty and Trustworthy? NO: 58%
- Bush understands problems of ppl like you: NO: 66%
- Republican UNFAVORABLE rating is 50% (Dems is only 36%)
- The House Majority Leader Tom Delay INDICTED
- Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist UNDER INVESTIGATION
- Social Security Privatization KILLED
- VP's Chief of Staff INDICTED
- President's top adviser UNDER INVESTIGATION
- 2006 Outlook: Democrats 45, Republicans 32 (23% undecided)
Bottom line: Don't lose the forest for the trees. Or maybe, everybody punts.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to the Jew. Just to let you know, here are some of the things you're safe from on your day of birth:
Being Glued to A Toilet at Home Depot
Recieving A Bag of Feces For Halloween
Ramming Your Head Into A Locker (right-click, then download)
Having an Army Recruiter Call You After You Record An Anti-Bush Answering Machine Message and Cuss You The Fuck Out (right-click, then download - mp3)
And finally, a masterpiece simply entitled, "That's what asshole friends are for" (right click, download).
And this is unrelated but just plain funny.
Happy Birthday Mike.
Me and my mom were watching the NBC Nightly News one night when they traveled out to the Midwest to see if voters had buyers' remorse on Bush. In one particular overwhelmingly Republican town, the reporter asked this Democratic old white lady what she does with her frustration with the Bush administration. Her response:
"I just sit at home and cuss."
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