oh internet, such amusement, such danger

i've encountered a few amusing items in my internet comings and goings lately so i figured i'd post them here.
first up is this e-mail i received at my work e-mail account. it was very long but the first part of it will give you a good idea of what's going on:
"From: longminghui [mailto:chenjiadin@21cn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 10:23 AM
To: Venture Intern
Subject: Request you denounce and prevent the American DuPont impudently forcibly occupy intellectual property of Mr.Huang!
Request you denounce and prevent the American DuPont impudently forcibly occupy intellectual property of Mr.Huang!
impudent DuPont CO.! impudent Holliday!impudent! impudent!! exceeding impudence!!!
DuPont and CEO Holliday are transnational scoundre!
Seek response from E-mail:
Does DuPont dare to deny openly? It does not dare, absolutely does not dare. With ironclad evidence before it, what qualification does it has to deny? There is a proverb saying “Qui non improbat, approvat”. Without open objection, DuPont is openly admitting itself to be a transnational scoundrel, trampling on the human and national dignity of creditors.
repudiate a debt + vilify = scoundrel
repudiate a debt + vilify + threaten = impudently forcibly occupy"
it goes on to relate the plight of Mr. Huang and his patented non-toxic farm pesticide. i especially enjoy the equations at the end up there as well as the accusations of "exceeding impudence!!!"
nothing excites passion in Mr. Long Ming Hui like the impudence of scoundrels.
and i guess he thinks the postmaster will be able to clear this whole debacle right up. perhaps he can; i really know nothing of the duties of the postmaster general.
though he does use language our president may relate to.

second up is this site that's been up for something like 10 years but i just came across it yesterday and was thoroughly entertained: most wanted paintings
they have the "most wanted paintings" for various countries based on some corporate-style market research.
China's is particularly bewildering: why is that portrait there?
I found that site when i was using technorati to look up random terms (including my own name, which, unfortunately, has not appeared on any blog). when i typed in Brown Student Radio i got another blog which linked to this site.
what this guy did was search all the positive reviews on pitchfork fro the most common words thn created a couple songs that met all the criteria. he has the mp3s up. they aren't that funny, but it's an interesting project.
C'mon Nathan,
You could've waited til tommorrow to knock down my post.
i figured we;d been going at a rate of just over 24 hours to knock down post, so i did wait several hours to actually post it
Exceeding impudence!
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