i told her i was hard to get to know...

first up is this photo of my fucked-up wheel: notice that the holes for the lug-nuts are all warped out of shape.
if you're reading this i've probably told you all about the events of the evening of monday the 8th so i won't repeat them. but as i was driving to the nearest repair shop, shortly after i took this picture, driving at walking speed, people would call out "hey, there's something wrong with your car."
"yes, there is certainly something wrong with my car, it lets out a deafening crack with every rotation of the wheel and i'm driving at the same speed that you are walking while my emergency lights flash their little hearts out and i wave the car behind me around. thank you; thank you for telling me"
though some bystanders were a little more observant, if a bit patronizing, and offered me encouragement, assuring me i'd make it there before the wheel fell off. i did, thankfully.
so i guess i'm chalking this one up to another example of some karmic debt i mysteriously owe this summer. but, hey, i survived the trip on this wheel from boston to providence so that's something to be thankful for.
here's picture number two: possibly the highlight of these past few days. two very nice posters received in the mail today.
i ordered the one on the right for obvious (aesthetic, musical etc.) reasons and was sent the one on the left for free.
the way it is pictured it is a hand rising from the ground, lazarus/zombie-style. upside-down, however, it is the hand of God reaching down to snatch the living from this earth.
i guess i prefer to see it the first way, offering the hope of life after death, so i will keep it in that orientation even if it turns out to be wrong.
picture number three: this is the guy i'll be interviewing saturday night.
i'm pretty pleased with this, he writes real well and seems to have an interesting career so i figure i can come up with a bunch of good questions.
i really should get on that.
he'll be playing at jake's at 8pm opening for the revival preachers in case anyone's interested in coming along to the show; it's good stuff.
i had planned on making a harpers index style entry summing up various events but, as i could have predicted, chris was the only roommate to respond to requests for info and adam told me that he "just doesn't think it would be funny".
so much for that.
i do enjoy the harpers index though.
oh, and the mouse is dead.
much like marat here:
kartik came in telling me "the mouse is dead". but he'd said that at least 3 times before when it wasn't true, so i told him that before checking.
yeah, it was dead.
it was all rigor-mortised with a fearsome grimace on its face. definitely dead.
i threw it into the outdoor trash can.
...hard to get to know?
couldn't think of a name for the post so i put a lyric from the song i was listening to at the time, one by smog. read into it as much, or as little, as you like.
though little is probably the way to go in this case.
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