Wednesday, August 10, 2005



lisa got some good pictures from the BSRmadillos most recent kickball outing so i figure i'll post a a couple here and suggest that you all visit the Providence Kickball League site for hilarious recaps of the games here's a few sentences from one:

"As the Game got underway, the Word Nerds shouted at Sharks v. Jets, rattling Boggle Cups and holding up large, felt letters that spelled: FUCK MARIA.
[ed. note: Unbeknownst to The Word Nerds, a member of Sharks v. Jets had a friend, named Maria, visiting from out of town and playing in her very first Kickball Game that day. Welcome to Providence Maria - it doesn't get any easier.] "

yeah, our team isn't as dramatic as some (any recap of a Daggers United game will surely entertain), and they rip on our affiliation with Brown pretty often, but we do have a finely crafted papier-mache armadillo pranced about on the head of our deliquent blog-member.

kartik with armadillo to the left (chris and lisa did a fine job)

robin and some drunk guy who wandered onto the field mid-game up above

we won the last game so now we're second in our division and will be going to the playoffs.

our chances of winning?

probably not that great.


Blogger ch said...

I hear that that purported OE was actually iced tea...

6:21 PM, August 10, 2005  

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