Watch Big Brother Tonight
For those that haven't been watching:
There are two alliances that I will refer to as the good guys and the bad guys. Kaysar (the Iraqi guy) was voted out by the bad guys two weeks ago but through a twist was let back in the house after America voted him back in. When he got back, he competed in an endurance challenge (holding
down a button) to win Head of Household with Jen, from the dark side. Jen promised to get rid of James (the loss prevention manager, i.e. Adam Delahanty) becuase he was playing both sides so Kayser let Jen win. Jen broke her word and put Kaysar and his partner Janelle up for eviction.
The good guys (and America) are pissed. Shit hits the fan tonight (Thursday) at 8 on CBS. This should be the best episode since the Eric/Michael fight.
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