Thursday, August 10, 2006


RIP Johnny

my long-time fake facebook profile, Johnny Cash, has been "disabled by an administrator."

on this sad occasion i would like to note the following:

1. i was the first JC on the facebook

2. JC's grandson approved of the profile

3. cash mccracken, i apologize for reveling in the fact that i held for so many years. it's yours come september.

4. my other, even more secret, fake facebook profile still exists. it is not nearly as popular.

5. as the first, the most popular, and the only endorsed - thus OFFICIAL - fake facebook Johnny Cash, i choose not to excercise my natural right to endorse any other fake facebook Johnny Cash. they are not very good.

(unless cash mccracken wants to make one, how about it cash?)

------note: 8-12------

I got this e-mail in response to my request to bring Johnny back from the dead:

"Hey Nathan,

While we appreciate your feedback we must deny your request to reopen the account. When a user signs up for Facebook with an email address, the address is deemed their personal address and thus they must represent themselves truthfully as the user who owns the email address.

In addition, one of Facebook's main goals is to facilitate meaningful relationships between living people. We do not want to have a number of profiles of deceased celebrities intermingling with living users. A profile must be controlled by the person who appears on the profile.

Thanks in advance for your understanding and cooperation."

oh, lighten up facebook. haven't you ever seen night of the living dead? suspiria? clearly things will work out just fine.

at least with this profile it was the living controlling the dead rather than the dead controlling the living.


Blogger Sarah said...

i had no idea that was you.

2:02 PM, August 11, 2006  
Blogger ch said...

What's the other fake profile?! I know it's not Jack Bauer...

12:37 PM, August 12, 2006  
Blogger nathan said...

if anyone guesses the secret profile, i will give you a...reward.

does cash mccracken read this? i was serious.

8:23 PM, August 12, 2006  

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