on rabbits and lawsuits

on monday i was off looking at apartments. i met this one broker on the street corner after waiting for a good 20 minutes and watching the neghborhood kids play stick ball. he showed up - a normal looking dude in his late 20s - and took me half a block down to a building where he showed me two places. the first was pretty decent and had just been spruced up something nice. i was feeling pretty ok, but it wasn't exactly a killer place. then we went across the hall to the other apartment.
i should have known things were not quite right when, before we went in, he explained at some length that he was the only broker showing this apartment because the landlord likes him. this is basically an unheard of deal in brooklyn i've been told, but the dude had keys, so i followed him in. there were dirty dishes in the sink, toiletries in the bathroom and generall clutter in the rest of the apartment. one of the bedrooms was clearly still being lived in - this girl had more stuff in there than i actually own. when i asked if they still lived there, the broker replied "no, they turned in the keys today, so if you take this you can have all this stuff." then he gets out this box and starts piling this girl's CDs into it and rumaging through her items, looking for things to take (he picked out one particular jacket "for his sister"). i tried to explain to him that this tenant had clearly not moved out yet and that he probably shouldn't take her stuff. he responded by encouraging me to have a CD or book.
massively creeped out, i went into the kitchen to get away from the guy. on the floor i saw a rabbit.
"hey, uh, there's a rabbit in here..."
"is it dead?"
"no...it's alive. i really think there's someone still living here."
"they turned in the keys today! this is my lucky day."
there was a free-range rabbit hanging out on the kitchen floor, which, according to this guy, would be mine along with the apartment. there was a litter box for it too. this was a civilized rabbit.
we left soon after, him with a box full of pilfered goods, me with a distinctly dirty feeling.
tuesday i went up to new haven to help my sister move. it was hovering around 100 degrees all day - except when the thunderstorm came - and i was moving heavy shit up and down stairs for a good number of hours. let's just say i have a mover lined up for when we get our place, paul.
wednesday was fun. saw alex's band.
thursday was quiet. did my laundry.
friday my company got sued. went to providence.
i suppose i can't say i'm surprised. this could be a good thing and give me greater control over my work, or it could leave me on the street handing out resumes, if not those little cards advertising adult entertainment clubs.
it's good money i hear.
due to the nature of my position i've been receiving a significant quantity of e-mails. it's all just wait and see right now.

i have no idea what to expect from this coming week.
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