the 13th: often a significant day
it's the thirteenth again, and again this day has proven itself to harbor significance (sometimes good, sometimes bad).
the day began with a plan: to find a cheap haircut. i have had trouble with haircuts in the past, so i've pretty much accepted the fact that i will never be satisfied with a cut. through a combination of recommendations and citysearch, i located a place that gave me a satisfying cut for a mere $13. at this point i figured that was significant enough for a 13th of the month, so i went off to find a quiet place to read the book i bought yesterday, delillo's underworld.
i did this for a bit then went along my wandering way and had a significant encounter when i stopped by a starbucks near wall st. i don't know if it would be wise to post the details of this encounter considering who might be reading this, but it involves my thoughts on social networks and (seeing as it was near wall st) business.
after leaving the starbucks i decided to wander by one of my former workplaces. on the way i saw what seemed to be a festival of some sort. it turned out to be a shoot for spiderman 3. i somehow wandered past the guards and sat down next to a pack
of extras, placing me a mere ten feet from longtime celebrity crush kirsten dunst. oh man. so attractive. i didn't want to be all creepy and try to make some small talk with her, so i hung back and ate a hot dog that they were giving to the extras.
after the hot dog i noticed that sam raimi was also a mere 10 feet from me. he looks like a short version of a former employer of mine. once they were done shooting, and dunst high-tailed it out of there (much to my disappointment) the extras started going up to raimi for pictures and the like. at first i was going to take the same approach that i had with dunst (hang back), but soon found myself approaching him. having nothing much to say to him, no camera and no paper for an autograph, when i got up to him i whipped out my copy of underworld and had this conversation:
me: hi
sr: hello
me: i appreciate your work and i'm a fan of don delillo...
sr: [interrupting] wow
me: i was wondering if you could sign my copy of underworld.
sr: sure, what do you want me to write?
me: hell, i don't know, whatever.
[sr scribbles on the title page]
sr: good to meet you.
me: you too, good luck.
sr: good luck to you too.
so basically i got the director of evil dead to sign my copy of underworld. he wrote: "be responsible, be kind to others. -sam raimi"
significance abound.
if only kirsten dunst had found herself inexplicably drawn to me...
the day began with a plan: to find a cheap haircut. i have had trouble with haircuts in the past, so i've pretty much accepted the fact that i will never be satisfied with a cut. through a combination of recommendations and citysearch, i located a place that gave me a satisfying cut for a mere $13. at this point i figured that was significant enough for a 13th of the month, so i went off to find a quiet place to read the book i bought yesterday, delillo's underworld.

after leaving the starbucks i decided to wander by one of my former workplaces. on the way i saw what seemed to be a festival of some sort. it turned out to be a shoot for spiderman 3. i somehow wandered past the guards and sat down next to a pack

after the hot dog i noticed that sam raimi was also a mere 10 feet from me. he looks like a short version of a former employer of mine. once they were done shooting, and dunst high-tailed it out of there (much to my disappointment) the extras started going up to raimi for pictures and the like. at first i was going to take the same approach that i had with dunst (hang back), but soon found myself approaching him. having nothing much to say to him, no camera and no paper for an autograph, when i got up to him i whipped out my copy of underworld and had this conversation:
me: hi
sr: hello
me: i appreciate your work and i'm a fan of don delillo...
sr: [interrupting] wow
me: i was wondering if you could sign my copy of underworld.
sr: sure, what do you want me to write?
me: hell, i don't know, whatever.
[sr scribbles on the title page]
sr: good to meet you.
me: you too, good luck.
sr: good luck to you too.
so basically i got the director of evil dead to sign my copy of underworld. he wrote: "be responsible, be kind to others. -sam raimi"
significance abound.
if only kirsten dunst had found herself inexplicably drawn to me...

you are absurdly good at running into celebrities.
Nathan is a celebrity (in progress).
I look forward to the (immanent) day when Nathan is regularly brought onto TV talk shows as an expert on networked identities.
"Listen, lady--let me tell you about MySpace..."
who knew that trife paid off not just at house parties and Chinese New Year celebrations, but on the streets of New York as well. i think a departmental commendation is in order.
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