Sunday, April 09, 2006


aquafresh extreme clean

i think i should post, because i have not for a while. though really i should be posting on my other blog which i have also been neglecting of late. i am a two-blog man, the servant of two mistresses.

this coming week promises to be eventful in a variety of arenas. i have another (phone) interview for the same job early in the week, i will be getting the thesis draft back, and i am expecting a much needed paycheck. much needed. sono molto povero oggi.

by blogging, i am also neglecting an italian paper i should be writing. we were allowed to choose our own topics; i chose the city of trieste. i've never visited but i've enjoyed it for some time because its name is one letter from "sad" in italian. it is a city constantly on the brink of sorrow. god forbid that central "e" ever blow away. i chose to write about it though because it is easy to research on wikipedia and i already wrote about sergio leone for italian 30.

and, because monday has officially arrived, there are only 8 days until lucero comes to providence to play for free. i will bring a small army of friends and the easily influenced to this show.

this dog represents the sorrow that could await trieste


Blogger ch said...

About Lucero: I'm ready to join your army.

About Trieste: Godilla is right--it's one half of the only adjacent supply center pairing on the board (the other half being Venice). And, as its role in Diplomacy suggests (gateway to Tyrolia a.k.a. the MOST IMPORTANT SPACE ON THE BOARD), it was the Austro-Hungarian empire's gateway to the Mediterranean.

Also, during the Cold War, when Yugoslavia wasn't doing too bad, people would come over to Trieste and realize that the capitalist West wasn't always richer and better than the East. What a (sad) city!

1:36 PM, April 10, 2006  

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