
i decided to re-read much of my scottish blog just now. so i did. and i'm thinking that i actually kind of enjoyed re-reading it. the posts were simple enough, amusing enough and made it seem like my life over there was kind of interesting. i guess i just have less to post about here because i'm not in some sort of new place. have i reached my blog-peak and am now on my blog-decline? i believe this is the case. this is why it is good to share a blog with the more-often-than-not amusing roommates (i almost typed "flatmates" that's just how long i spent reading my own former blog).
in addition to being dismayed by a lower quality post i also realized, despite my expectations, i sincerely miss scotland. not to say i'm not thoroughly enjoying my time here in providence, but as with most things, time is the best polishing agent.
i guess i'm trying right now to re-create the tone of my gonescottish posts, but i'm not so sure it's doing that. perhaps it's the whisky, perhaps it's the time/polish but probably it's both or neither.
ok, uh, it's much later in the night and i didn't want to make a new post but i wanted to post this picture because it is a choice specimen of storm photography:

i am off to bed now, then northern massachusetts in the morning, then back to here in the afternoon/eve
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