Wednesday, June 08, 2005

He Hate Me

It Begins

I must admit that I'm a bit confused where to start. What is the blogxperience that I as a blogger am responsible for conveying to you, the public. I guess I should begin by understanding our readership. Who reads blogs anyways? Why? Can this be used to pay for my General Tso's and 40's habit?

Personally, I only read three blogs. First, and foremost, I check out the reality tv weblog daily for all of the latest reality TV news. Having lost my blog hymen, the reality tv weblog actually led me to my second blog encounter, TOO MUCH INFORMATION. TMI comes courtesy of Jake Bronstein of (former) FHM editor-at-large and Road Rules. It simply recounts his daily adventures of trife with tons of pictures as explanation/evidence. This page led me to my final blogsession PostSecret (which all of you should check out if you get a chance). PostSecret is an online project where people from around the country send in postcards with their deepest secrets and the best are posted online. Some of them are really silly while others are really intense and poingiant.

I don't really consider the reality tv weblog to be a blog so given my other two blog favorites, I guess I like to read what's going on in the heads and lives of interesting people. Assuming for a second that I'm interesting, I guess that my part of the blog could just be what's going on in my life. Political blogs also tend to be popular and y'all know I've got some political shit to say so expect that too. Finally, since this is the house blog I will comment on the general tenor of the house and make insulting comments and back-handed compliments about my housemates. So let's get it going...


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